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crimpable hook application and class III orthodontic elastics by Dr. Amr Asker
Orthodontic class III elastic step by step by Dr. Amr Asker #rubber_bands
crimpable stop application in orthodontics
crimpable stop application in orthodontics Dr. Amr Asker Orthodontic courses and education
Orthodontic ligature tie for rotation correction by Dr. Amr Asker
Orthodontic torque spring for negative torque Dr. Amr Asker
Braces bonding step by step in orthodontics & wire insertion
Inclined plane for class III cases by Dr.Amr Asker
Mini screw, mini implant insertion , screwing in orthodontic #mini_implant TAD
Severe class III with crowding, bonding and bite turbo placement
canine traction by power chain in orthodontics by dr. Amr Asker
Ortho - Midline Shifting - Class II and Class III Elastics